Sober living

The Interplay of Cocaine and Alcohol: Effects, Risks, and Treatment

The extent to which long-term side effects become more severe depends on the frequency and amount of cocaine used for an extended period of time. Over time, cocaine abuse can affect the brain, lungs, 8 natural cures for erectile dysfunction heart, kidneys, and gastrointestinal system. Continued abuse of cocaine can also lead to harmful behavioral

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How to Stop Alcohol Cravings: Remedies, Medication & More

For those of us with sustained recoveries, the cues and triggers are typically the cause of our cravings. It helps manage diabetes, lower cholesterol levels, improve bone health, and is also beneficial for skin and hair. True to the adage “prevention is better than a cure”, the same holds true for alcohol addiction. Support groups

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Addiction: Stages, signs, seeking treatment

The following sections provide more detail about each of the three stages—binge/intoxication, withdrawal/negative affect, and preoccupation/anticipation—and the neurobiological processes underlying them. The treatment recommended for drug use and any coexisting medical or mental health conditions can vary. The genes people are born with contribute to about half of a person’s risk for addiction. Gender, ethnicity,

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Epilepsy and Alcohol: Triggers and Safe Drinking

To ensure a standard and informal interview situation all patients were interviewed by the same person (MiHa) who was not one of the treating physicians at the Epilepsy Outpatient Clinic. About half of all people with alcohol withdrawal will have two to four seizures within the six hours that follow the first.[5] Without prompt treatment,

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Tapering Off Alcohol How To Wean Off Safely

Many people with addictions convince themselves that they are alone and are the only ones going through their experiences. It can be very comforting to know that many people have gone through withdrawal before. We recommend reaching out to others who are also going through withdrawal or joining group therapy. Professional detox is highly

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I spent 22 years as a problem drinker Here are 10 things Ive learned since I quit Alcohol

When I got sober, I realised dysfunctional coping mechanisms are everywhere. Understanding that I was just another member of the human race and giving myself a break was life-changing. The first alcoholic drink I had was a lemon Hooch in a gay club called the Palm Beach in south London in 1991. For the first

I spent 22 years as a problem drinker Here are 10 things Ive learned since I quit Alcohol Read More »